Brush and Vegetation Removal can provide solutions for residential landowners, commercial landowners, and state and national lands. We offer a free visit to walk your property, evaluate your needs, answer your questions, and determine if goats would be the right choice for you. There are some plants that are toxic to goats such as mountain/sheep laurel, choke cherry, and rhododendron and the property will need to be assessed for such plants. Sometimes the offending plants can be removed before allowing the goats to clean the rest. Often (not always) goats will instinctively stay away from the plants that are poisonous to them.
We rent out the goats on a weekly basis and one herd (seven goats) will clear approximately a quarter acre per week, depending on the density of the vegetation. The goats will not pull vegetation up by the roots. They provide a step in the process of eliminating invasive vegetation. After the goats clear the area and the woody leftovers are pulled from the earth (this part is not included in our service), we often recommend covering the problem areas with landscape fabric for at least one full cycle of seasons to prohibit regrowth. The cost for one week is typically between $1,000-$1,200 (depending on difficulty of set-up) and we work within a 30-mile radius of Kennebunk or 40 minute drive (whichever comes first). We sometimes will travel further for jobs that are ideal for the goats for an increased fee. There is also the option of renting two full herds for larger areas. We transport the goats to your property by trailer and set up a 4-foot high net electric fence. The fence keeps the goats in and any wildlife out (coyotes and stray dogs) and produces the same voltage as an Invisible Fence for dogs (unpleasant but not injurious to anyone including children and seniors). We provide a small shelter for the goats while on your property and only ask the customer to provide fresh water once a day. Please check out our Facebook Scapegoats page for more before and after photos (icon at the bottom of the page)!